The Month That Was – June 1950

All articles originally appeared in the Daily Times-Gazette

Asks Town Pay for Septic Tank Installation
June 8, 1950
Sam Metherel, 610 Maple Street west has applied to the town council for installation of a sewer extension, or failing that, that a septic tank be supplied at the town’s expense. He points out that he has been paying full sewer rates for many years for a service that has not been available. The P.U.C. will be asked to supply an estimate of cost on the Metherel sewer extension.

Newspaper ad for Glazier's clothing
Daily Times-Gazette, 1 Jun 1950, p. 9

Thieves on a Rampage in Oshawa
June 9, 1950
Burglars were active in this city last night. Reports of six break-ins have been received by police this morning. In every case entry was made by forcing or jimmying a window. Despite their depredations which must have taken most of the night the thieves’ loot amounted only to about $125 worth of cigarettes, a small amount of cash and a motor driven bicycle. Broken into were: A C.P.R. tool shed, the Oshawa branch of the Canadian Legion, the Cadillac Hotel, St. Gregory’s Roman Catholic Church, St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, and Baragar’s Tire Shop.

Newspaper ad for Disney's Cinderella
Daily Times-Gazette, 3 Jun 1950, p. 12

85 Degrees in Downtown Oshawa
June 9, 1950
There were no reports of Oshawans purchasing blankets today as the mercury hovered over the 80 degree mark for the third successive day. At noon the mercury crept to 85 degrees downtown – and it was still moving up. Sundresses and play suits will be the order for the weekend for city thermometers are expected again to reach 85 to 90 degrees tomorrow. However, the weatherman said it would probably be a little cooler Sunday but not sharp drop is expected.

Black and white newspaper photo of two men looking at a telephone
Daily Times-Gazette, 6 Jun 1950, p. 3

Relief Fund up $103
June 9, 1950
Contributions reported today for the Oshawa Disaster Relief Fund totalled $103.00 of which $50 was handed in to City Treasurer Harold Tripp by Mayor Starr as a donation from the St. John’s Ukrainian Mutual Benefit Society. The total of the fund stands at slightly over $21, 000 up to the present.

Black and white newspaper photos, one on top of the other. They each show a creek and damage being done by erosion
Daily Times-Gazette, 7 Jun 1950, p. 1

North Oshawa Motor Sales is Ransacked
June 10, 1950
Added to the series of break-ins occurring in Oshawa Thursday evening and early Friday morning is a report from East Whitby Township Police Chief W.N. Cairney of entry being made into Sharp’s Motor Sales, 1080 Simcoe Street North. “They made off with two cartons of cigarettes, about $8 in silver and a new car radio. They got in by taking the rear window entirely off,” Chief Cairney reported this morning. The thieves completely ransacked the office before leaving with their loot. So far police have had little luck in their investigation into the break-ins. 

Black and white newspaper photo of a two storey building
Daily Times-Gazette, 17 Jun 1950, p. 3

Thrown from Auto Woman Injured Back
June 12, 1950
Mrs. F. Stapley, 109 Simcoe Street North, is in the Oshawa General Hospital today suffering undetermined back injuries after being thrown from her automobile when it was in a collision last night. Hospital authorities report she is “coming along fine.” The accident that sent Mrs. Stapley to hospital in an ambulance occurred as she crossed the First Avenue and Albert Street intersection driving south in her car on Albert Street. A car westbound on First Avenue, driven by Andrew Hruska, 1090 Centre Street, came into a collision with her vehicle. Eyewitnesses say Mrs. Stapley was knocked out of her by the impact and injured her back.

Rescue Bike was Waters of Harbour
June 14, 1950
Last night Kenneth McDonald and his friend George Vandewalker were riding their bikes along the edge of the dock at the Oshawa Harbour, when the pedal of Ken’s bike struck a stanchion. Kens vehicle went one way and he went the other. As a result Ken was high and dry but his bicycle was low and wet, as it fell into 28 feet of water. Lieutenant Herbert A. Maynard Commander of the RCSCC Drake noticed the Ken’s plight and came to his assistance with a grappling hook. Lt. Maynard successfully snagged the submerged bike and hauled it onto the dock. A few minutes later Ken rode away accompanied by his chum.

Black and white newspaper photo of a parade float. There is a manner that says 'Brownies Lend a Hand'
Daily Times-Gazette, 20 Jun 1950, p. 1

Believes Postal Workers Must be Mind Readers
June 15, 1950
Mrs. A.C. Newell has nothing but praise for the postal department and postal workers and is prone to believe they have something in common with mind readers. This morning the post man delivered an air-mail letter to Mrs. Newell which had both the wrong address and incorrect name. The letter was mailed in England on June 6, arrived in Canada, was forwarded to Vancouver, then returned to Mrs. Newell in Oshawa through some unknown manner.

Breaks Arm in fall off Church Roof
June 22, 1950
Archie H. Dancey, 98 Cadillac Avenue North, well-known local shoe merchant, is in Oshawa General Hospital today suffering a broken right arm, shock and concussion as a result of a 12-foot fall from the roof of the new St. Paul’s Presbyterian Sunday School, Wilson Road and Rogers Street, yesterday afternoon. It was his afternoon off and he was assisting in building the Sunday School roof when he lost his footing. The injured man was taken by car to the Oshawa Clinic and then to the hospital in an ambulance.

Black and white photo of a monument in a cemetery
Daily Times-Gazette, 24 Jun 1950, p. 3

Motor Vehicles Bring Firemen on Run
June 23, 1950
Richmond Street firemen were called out twice during yesterday afternoon and evening. No fire developed in either instance. The first trip was made at 5:12 pm when firemen went to the corner of Celina and Bruce Streets, when a short-circuit occurred in a parked car. The vehicle was owned by the Department of National Defence from Camp X. The other trip was at 7 pm to the Gray Coach Bus terminal at 14 Prince Street, when a motor in one of the buses became overheated. No damage was reported.

Black and white newspaper photo of two Caucasian men and a Caucasian woman posed for a photo
Daily Times-Gazette, 30 Jun 1950, p. 1

Three Local Homes Struck by Lightning
June 24, 1950
At least three Oshawa homes were struck by lightning and isolated sections of the city and many parts of the rural area were plunged into darkness during the year’s most severe electrical storm last night. No extensive damage was reported. No persons were reported struck by lightning. The first and worst storm broke shortly after 6 p.m. while a second storm struck the city shortly after midnight. City firemen were called out twice.

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